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Welcome to the Wandering Disciple 


One wanderer's journey to fall in love with Jesus with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength!


Jesus called his followers to "go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you."  He promised in vs 18 that he would give them Authority and in vs 20 he would be with them!  Every modern disciple has to learn how to obey Jesus commands and to train others to do the same.  If your journey with Jesus has left you wondering if there is more to it than modern cultural Christianity? Then join me on this journey!  It will be an exciting ride that is for certain!


My name is Chad Mason.  I am a middle aged follower of Jesus.  I have been blessed to meet believers from many places around this amazing world. I was born and live in the US, and while I am honored and blessed by such a birth right, I do not claim this right as superior to my true identity.  I am a bondservant of Jesus, all else is secondary. 


As such I am a wanderer, a foreigner, so to speak.  As a follower of Jesus, a disciple, I seek to know what Jesus taught, and live like those he taught!  Thus the blog's name.  This is the wandering disciple blog.  Explore with me what a lifelong desire to grow in Christ looks like.  

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